Mayorkun, a popular Afrobeat singer, has shared the story of how he nearly missed the chance to meet Davido, the superstar who signed him to his record label, DMW. He revealed this in the latest episode of the Tea With Tay podcast, hosted by actor Temisan Emmanuel Ahwieh, a.k.a Taymesan.
Mayorkun's story of how he almost missed the chance to meet Davido. Photo credit:@teawithtaypod/@iammayorkun. Source:gistreel |
Mayorkun said that he was working at a bank in 2016 when he recorded a video of himself doing a freestyle cover of a song while playing a keyboard. He said he wanted to delete the video from his phone because it had a small memory size, but he decided to upload it on Twitter instead as a backup.
He said he did not expect the video to go viral, but it caught the attention of Davido, who liked and followed him on Twitter. He said that was how Davido discovered him and offered him a deal to join his DMW label.
He said
"One of my mum’s friends gave me an iPhone 6 with a small memory size and I had that video on it and wanted to delete it to free up some space. Something told me to put it on Twitter and it least, e go dey Twitter if e no dey your phone.
I posted it and noticed my phone buzzing inside the bank wey I dey vex. It was one weekend I went to ACCA classes. Davido liked and followed."
You can watch the video of the podcast here: