In a groundbreaking legal verdict, Lagos court has handed down a life imprisonment sentence to Doctor Olufemi Olaleye, the Medical Director of the Optimal Cancer Care Foundation, after he was found guilty of raping his wife's niece. The ruling, delivered by Justice Rahman Oshodi of the Ikeja Sexual Offenses and Domestic Violence, marked a pivotal moment in the case.
Justice Oshodi, in his verdict, highlighted the significance of the victim's testimony and the credibility of the medical professional who examined her. The judge also underlined the weight of evidence, which included Olaleye's confessional statement and a trail of WhatsApp and email exchanges with his wife.
One of the most shocking aspects of the case was the victim's account of being raped and forced to engage in sexual acts with the defendant. This was substantiated by an official statement and an undertaking signed at the Anthony Police Station, a document bearing the signature of his lawyer, Olalekan Buruji, and his NBA seal.
Oshodi's conviction of Olaleye encompassed charges of defilement and sexual assault by penetration against a 15-year-old minor. The prosecution successfully established the case beyond a reasonable doubt, and all the court's evidence collaborated with the victim's harrowing experience.
The defendant, Olaleye, had been charged with two counts of defilement and sexual assault for incidents alleged to have occurred between March 2020 and November 2021. He initially pleaded not guilty to these charges when he was arraigned on November 30, 2022.
The prosecution presented a formidable case, calling at least seven witnesses to testify. Notably, one witness was withdrawn during the proceedings. These witnesses included the defendant's wife, who reported the crime to the police, the unnamed survivor, a child forensic specialist named Bisi Ajayi-Kayode, police inspector Esther Igbineweka, medical examiner Akinbunmi Oyebimpe, and police officer Abe Leonard.
This landmark decision serves as a stark reminder of the justice system's commitment to protecting vulnerable individuals and holding those who commit such heinous acts accountable for their actions.